Reservation new Formulaire EN "*" indicates required fields Issue, details of the person you wish to give it to* First name for whom you wish to give it Name of person you wish to give it to Choose a package*5 prayer mats deposit during Ramadan $40 (during Ramadan you will receive the video of the mats deposit) includes distribution service fee $405 Koran $90 20 days deposit in mosques and the mosque of medinaKoran only distributed to pilgrims visiting Medina ( Once at the end of the month $19 )Quran deposited in the mosques of Medina ( More beneficial, much demand ) RECOMMEND ( Delay of 20 days maxuim ) $19 with video proofUmrah per Ramadan ($390)Sadaqa water 4 pack $19 processed in order of arrivalHajj by proxy ( $3000 )Omar Basic formula ( Omra by proxy basic+sadaqa coran delays of 20j maximuim ( $260 )Koran deposited in the great mosque of medina (if you choose this option, it will not be possible to put the is the first name inside.) time 20 daysTraditional Umrah by proxy + Koran $260First name of the beneficiary's father (for whom you wish to make the gift, optional) First name Civility of the person you wish to give it to*MisterMrs.MissIf more than one person, add the names separated by commas Ex: IDHOU Ramsette, NAZIR Akim…The beneficiary isDisabled (long-term illness)DeceasedFor myself or a relative who is not incapacitated or deceased (option valid only for Quran, not for omra by proxy)Phone*E-mail* Quantity*12345678910Enter the first and last name of the person making the gift* Add RemoveMake a choice*Yes, I want the name and surname inside the KoranNo, I don't want him to be registered ( RECOMMEND )Family relationship Offered by (Optional) How did you hear about us?HiddenCurrency* U.S. Dollar Total Method of payment*Card American ExpressMasterCardVisaMaestroSupported Credit Cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name